Human Trafficking Research Paper
1. Introduction: similar to a research paper, set up the research proposal by discussing the issue or problem that you are addressing and why it is important. This section should be no longer than 1 page. 2. Literature Review: this section of the proposal should include a discussion of studies that have already occurred regarding your research topic/issue/question. Essentially, this is where you describe what has already been studied and found out and it sets up your research question (because ideally your research question is the next step in learning about the topic/issue that you want to study). This section should include at least seven citations. 3. Research Question/Concepts/Hypotheses: this section should explicitly state the research question that you are asking and link it back to the literature review. In addition, this section should include discussion of relevant concepts, how those concepts will be operationalized and measured, and statements of your hypotheses with respect to your research question. 4. Methodology: this section should include discussion of the unit of analysis and the time dimension related to your data collection as well as lay out the methods for carrying out your research (your experiment, survey, qualitative field method, unobtrusive research method, etc.). In addition, this section should also describe selection of your sampling process and any ethical issues that are implicated in your research design. If you are doing a survey, qualitative interview, or field observation, a copy of the questionnaire or protocol should be included 5. Data Analysis Plans: this section should provide a short description of how you plan to analyze the data once it has been collected. Identify whether you will be doing qualitative or quantitative analysis, give a brief discussion of that analysis and discuss how you intend to code the data. If you have identified a specific program for your data analysis, very briefly describe that program and how you plan to use it. 6. Formatting: typed, single-spaced, size 12 font, header with name and Final Research Proposal, properly formatted in-text citations, properly formatted references section