Ideological Analysis on Emails
First, spend some time searching for websites and web articles that offer advice, direction, or research findings on how to compose emails in professional settings. You will need to find eight of such sources.Business sites and outlets like Forbes and the Harvard Business Review are also good places to start. Now that youve read through each of your eight practical sources on how to best compose a professional email, I ask that you read through the following chapter, published in an edited collection on technical writing and cultural studies: Moses, Myra G., and Steven B. Katz. The Phantom Machine: The Invisible Ideology of Email (A Cultural Critique). You are now tasked with taking the framework developed by Moses and Katz (based on Jürgen Habermass theory of communicative action) and analyzing the ways in which your advice pieces discuss the nature and purpose of email as a technology. You will, in essence, compose an ideological analysis of these various advice pieces. Some questions you might want to consider when composing your analysis: Who is the presumed audience for these pieces? What are the presumed goals of the reader of these pieces? What roles do power and politics play in the authors assumptions about how emails should be composed? What are the common threads holding these pieces together? What are the presumed audience reactions in emails themselves? There are a variety of ways to go here, as your analysis will hinge upon your own read of Moses and Katzs chapter and your own collection of advice pieces. In terms of length, the ideological analysis should be at minimum one-thousand words. The analysis will be in MLA format, with a works cited page that includes: Moses and Katz, your eight advice pieces, and any other sources you may have used. The analysis will end, after the works cited page. Collect eight advice pieces on how to write emails effectively; Read Moses and Katzs chapter on ideology and email; Compose an ideological analysis;