Impact of HIT Health Assignment
Impact of HIT Health Assignment
Impact of HIT Health Assignment
Impact of HIT Health PowerPoint: NURS 4345 HIT topic- examples within the instructions (please keep topic simple -similar to example) 8-12 APA formatted slides. Will need a small script to read in order to complete the voice-thread portion of the power point.
NURS4345 Module C
Healthcare Information Technology.
Overview of the topic
Why you selected this topic
B.Impact: From your research identify and substantiate four areas related to your topic that have been or will be impacted by HIT. One of these areas of impact must be related to the nurse patient relationship.
C.Challenges: From your research identify and discuss four challenges that professionalnurseshave encountered or will encounter related to your topic.
D.Application to Practice: How will you enhance patient safety, make decisions, and communicate more effectively using the topic of your presentation as a framework? Impact of HIT Health Assignment
F.Evidence: Topic is supported by three or more scholarly references
G.Scholarly Presentation/Formatting
?Use of bullets
?Creativity, visually appealing H.
APA Style Citations/Reference list
I.Communication Skills: ?Communication skills include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. ?Oral presentation includesclear voice, enthusiasm, correct and precise pronunciation of words and grammar and confidenceModule C ExamEach student will complete the Module C Exam located in the Tests & Quizzes tab in Sakai. The exam is a twenty-five question, multiple choice examthat has been designed to assess the students learning of the coursecontent. It is acceptable to use the text during the exam and each student should complete the exam independently. Questions will appear on the screen one at a time, students will not beable to revisit questions or go back to questions (therefore do not skip questions). Students will have ninety minutes to complete the exam prior to the deadline date. The exam will not be opened after the due date, unless prior arrangements have been made with the course faculty. The exam is based upon the application of the six learning outcomes that are presented on page 186, Chapter 11 of the Yoder-Wise textbook.Please refer to Exam blueprint located in Module C. Impact of HIT Health Assignment
Summer 2018Page 2of 2NURS4345Module CHealthcare Information Technologyd.Overview of the topice.Why you selected this topicB.Impact: From your research identify and substantiate four areas related to your topic that have beenor will beimpacted byHIT. One of these areas of impact must be related to the nurse patient relationship.C.Challenges: From your research identify and discuss four challenges that professionalnurseshave encountered or will encounter related to your topic.D.Application to Practice: How will you enhance patient safety, make decisions, and communicate more effectively using the topic of your presentation as a framework? E.SummaryF.Evidence: Topic is supported by three or more scholarly referencesG.Scholarly Presentation/Formatting?Use of bullets?Creativity, visually appealing H.APA Style Citations/ReferencelistI.Communication Skills: ?Communication skills includeeffective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. ?Oral presentation includesclear voice, enthusiasm, correct and precise pronunciation of words and grammar and confidenceModule C ExamEach student will complete the Module C Exam located in the Tests & Quizzes tab in Sakai. The exam is a twenty-five question, multiple choice examthat has been designed to assess the students learning of the coursecontent. It is acceptable to use the text during the exam and each student should complete the exam independently. Questions will appear on the screen one at a time, students will not beable to revisit questions or go back to questions (therefore do not skip questions). Students will have ninety minutes to complete the exam prior to the deadline date. The exam will not be opened after the due date, unless prior arrangements have been made with the course faculty. The exam is based upon the application of the six learning outcomes that are presented on page 186, Chapter 11 of the Yoder-Wise textbook.Please refer to Exam blueprint located in Module C. Impact of HIT Health Assignment
Summer 2018 Module C Page 1 of 2 NURS4345 Healthcare Information Technology Impact of HIT Health information technologies are integrated into patient centered care to promote effective communication among inter-professional team members. A variety of evidence-based technologies are available to assist the professional nurse and other inter-professional team members to retrieve, organize, and analyze data to safely care for patients, communities, and special populations. The utilization of various technologies allows the patient and nurse to have a collaborative partnership in health care decision-making. Objectives 1. Discuss the Institute of Medicine (IOM) competency: Utilize Informatics. 6. Describe the impact of healthcare information technology on nurse-patient relationship. Learning Activities Readings ? Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2016). Chapter 11: Caring, communicating, and managing with technology. Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Assignments VoiceThread PowerPoint Presentation: Please refer to class schedule for due date and time The RN to BSN Program has seven Program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). Although the SLOs are interrelated and impact all courses in the RN to BSN Program, the following SLO is directly related to the objectives in Nursing 4345: Utilize informatics to enhance patient safety, manage knowledge and information, make decisions, and communicate more effectively. A portion of the Module C PowerPoint assignment requires you to integrate this SLO into your presentation. Examples: ? Application of HIT in the delivery of safe patient care ? CPOE and clinical decision support systems ? Benefits and barriers of HIT ? HIT related to quality improvement ? Impact of HIT on nurse-patient relationship Develop an 8 to 12 slide VoiceThread (VT) PowerPoint Presentation on your selected topic. Instructions for developing a VoiceThread PowerPoint Presentation can be found in the following link: The instructions can also be found in the Mod C tab. Please refer to VT PowerPoint Presentation grading rubric located in Module C. The VT PowerPoint Presentation should include the following: A. Title slide and Introduction a. Name of the student b. Creative title of the presentation Introduction c. Topic of interest Summer 2018 Module C B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Page 2 of 2 NURS4345 Healthcare Information Technology d. Overview of the topic e. Why you selected this topic Impact: From your research identify and substantiate four areas related to your topic that have been or will be impacted by HIT. One of these areas of impact must be related to the nurse patient relationship. Challenges: From your research identify and discuss four challenges that professional nurses have encountered or will encounter related to your topic. Application to Practice: How will you enhance patient safety, make decisions, and communicate more effectively using the topic of your presentation as a framework?
Impact of HIT Health Assignment
Summary Evidence: Topic is supported by three or more scholarly references Scholarly Presentation/Formatting ? Use of bullets ? Creativity, visually appealing APA Style Citations/Reference list Communication Skills: ? Communication skills include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. ? Oral presentation includes clear voice, enthusiasm, correct and precise pronunciation of words and grammar and confidence Module C Exam Each student will complete the Module C Exam located in the Tests & Quizzes tab in Sakai. The exam is a twenty-five question, multiple choice exam that has been designed to assess the students learning of the course content. It is acceptable to use the text during the exam and each student should complete the exam independently. Questions will appear on the screen one at a time, students will not be able to revisit questions or go back to questions (therefore do not skip questions). Students will have ninety minutes to complete the exam prior to the deadline date. The exam will not be opened after the due date, unless prior arrangements have been made with the course faculty. The exam is based upon the application of the six learning outcomes that are presented on page 186, Chapter 11 of the Yoder-Wise textbook. Please refer to Exam blueprint located in Module C. Revised: 12/2016; 4/2017 cs/rp Summer 2018 VT Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Health Information Technology Content Includes: Content includes: Introduction, Impact, Challenges, Application of Practice, Summary, Evidence, and Communication. Content is 60% of the assignment grade Criteria Title Slide Introduction 1. Introduction describes the topic of interest 2. Overview of the topic 3. Why the student selected the topic Points Impact: From your research identify and substantiate four areas related to your topic that have been or will be impacted by healthcare information systems and technology. One of these areas of impact must relate to the nurse-patient relationship. Exemplary Proficient Name of the student(s). Name of the student(s). Creative title for the presentation. Creative title for the presentation . Introduction states the main topic, the overview of the topic and why the student selected the topic. Introduction is well organized, concise and to the point. 7 Content is accurate and presented in a logical order. Research identifies and substantiates four areas related to students topic that have been or will be impacted by healthcare information systems or technology Introduction states the main topic, the overview of the topic and why the student selected the topic. 6 Content is accurate but some information is not presented in a logical order, but generally easy to follow. Research identifies and substantiate s three areas related to students topic that have been or will be impacted by healthcare information systems or technology Competent Title of presentation is vague The introduction slide is missing one of the following: 1. Main topic of the presentatio n 2. Why the student selected the topic 3. Adequate overview of the topic 5 Content is accurate but information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow. OR Minimal research on topic related to healthcare information systems and technology. OR Research identifies and substantiates two areas related to students topic that have been or will be impacted by healthcare information systems or technology Substantial Areas for Improvement Title of presentation is missing The introduction slide is missing two of the following: 1. Main topic of the presentatio n 2. Why the student selected the topic 3. Adequate overview of the topic 4 Content is questionable OR Research identifies and substantiates one area related to students topic that have been or will be impacted by healthcare information systems or technology Unsatisfactor y Slide is missing the name of the student(s) OR Title slide missing Assignment not posted OR Does not meet any of the criteria 0-3 Assignment not posted OR Does not meet any of the criteria Summer 2018 VT Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Health Information Technology Points Challenges: From your research identify and discuss four challenges that professional nurses have encountered or will encounter related to your topic. 10 Content is accurate and presented in a logical order. Points Application to Practice: Using the topic of your presentation as a framework how will you: 1. Enhance patient safety 2. Make decisions 3. Communicate more effectively Points Summary 10 Shows depth, analysis, and creativity with specific examples of how the SLO is applicable to practice for each of the three components 9 Shows analysis with specific examples of how the SLO is applicable to practice for each of the three components 7 Shows some analysis with general examples of how the SLO is applicable to practice for each of the three components 10 Summary is concise, well developed and describes the key points of the topic. 9 Summary describes the key points of the topic. Summary demonstrates critical thinking. 7 Utilized more than the assigned number of references (3) in response 6 Utilized the assigned number of references (3) in response References are peer reviewed, professional, scholarly and not older than five years. References are peerreviewed, professional, scholarly and not older Points Evidence Topic is supported by student conducted research. References should be peer-reviewed, scholarly and professional. References should not be older than 5 years. Student provides detailed discussion on each challenge 9 Content is accurate and generally easy to follow. Missing discussion on one of the four challenges. 7 Content is accurate but information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow. OR Missing information on two of the four challenges. OR Minimal discussion of the challenges encountered by professional nurses 6 Content is questionable and information is not presented in a logical order, making it difficult to follow. OR Missing information on three of the four challenges OR Missing discussion on the challenges encountered by professional nurses 6 Shows some general examples of how the SLO is applicable to practice for two of the three components. 0-5 Assignment not posted OR Does not meet any of the criteria 7 Summary is vague OR Summary is disorganized OR Summary does not demonstrate critical thinking 6 There is no clear summary. 0-5 Assignment not posted OR Does not meet any of the criteria 5 Utilized assigned number of references (3) in response but reference requirements were not met as evidenced by the following: +one reference was not peer- reviewed, professional or scholarly 4 Requirement for three references was not met as evidenced by: +One or two references cited OR +References were not peer-reviewed, professional or scholarly OR +Reference(s) outdated 0-3 No references utilized 0-5 Assignment not posted OR Does not meet any of the criteria Summer 2018 VT Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Health Information Technology than five years. Points Communication Skills: including effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. Points 8 Student uses a clear voice, is enthusiastic and uses correct, precise pronunciation of words. Student does not speak to fast or to slow. Student is clearly comfortable in presenting. Student refers to information on slides. 7 Students voice is clear. Student spoke at a good rate and volume. Student pronounced the majority of the words correctly. Student is comfortable in presenting. Student occasionally reads from slides. 6 Some grammatical errors and use of slang are evident. OR Student is uncomfortable in presenting. OR Student read from slides and notes. OR Student spoke a little faster or slower than necessary or too quietly or loudly. 5 Student mumbles, or incorrectly pronounces words. OR Student paid little attention to rate, volume or grammar. OR Student read every word from slides. 8 7 6 5 0-4 Student is obviously anxious and cannot be heard or monotone with little or no expression. OR Faculty cannot focus on the ideas being presented because of difficulties with grammar and appropriate vocabulary OR Voice-over portion of the presentation is missing 0-4 Summer 2018 VT Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Health Information Technology Scholarly Presentation Includes: Writing, Communication, Professionalism Scholarly Presentation is 25% of the assignment grade Writing style Thoughts are Thoughts are allows for clear logically logically communication of organized on each organized on each thoughts through slide without slide with no logical errors in spelling, more than 1 error presentation of grammar, or in spelling, ideas with correct punctuation. grammar, or spelling, punctuation. grammar, and Slides highlight punctuation. main points and Slides highlight Lengthy does not include main points and sentences are not lengthy does not include used, only short, sentences. lengthy bulleted sentences. information. PowerPoint is PowerPoint is visually appealing PowerPoint is visually appealing but does not visually appealing. but does not over-stimulate over-stimulate (appropriate (appropriate number of images number of images and appropriate and appropriate color). color). A minimum of 8 PowerPoint has 8 PowerPoint has 8 slides but no to 12 slides. to 12 slides. more than 12 slides. Points Effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication. Points Thoughts are logically organized on each slide with no more than 2 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. OR Slides highlight main points but in lengthy sentences. OR PowerPoint is over-stimulating (too many images, inappropriate colors). Thoughts show minimal organization with no more than 3 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. OR Slides do not highlight main points and use lengthy sentences. OR PowerPoint is nondescript or unappealing. No posting. OR Thoughts show no logical organization on each slide. OR Assignment contains in excess of 5 errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. OR OR PowerPoint has 8 to 12 slides. PowerPoint has 6 to 7 slides or 13 to 14 slides. PowerPoint has less than 6 slides or greater than 14 slides. 0-5 Student is obviously anxious and cannot be heard or monotone with little or no expression. OR Faculty cannot focus on the ideas being presented because of difficulties with grammar and appropriate vocabulary OR Voice-over portion of the presentation is missing 0-9 10 Student uses a clear voice, is enthusiastic and uses correct, precise pronunciation of words. Student does not speak to fast or to slow. Student is clearly comfortable in presenting. Student refers to information on slides. 9 Students voice is clear. Student spoke at a good rate and volume. Student pronounced the majority of the words correctly. Student is comfortable in presenting. Student occasionally reads from slides. 7 Some grammatical errors and use of slang are evident. OR Student is uncomfortable in presenting. OR Student read from slides and notes. OR Student spoke a little faster or slower than necessary or too quietly or loudly. 6 Student mumbles, or incorrectly pronounces words. OR Student paid little attention to rate, volume or grammar. OR Student read every word from slides. 15 13 11 10 Summer 2018 VT Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Health Information Technology Summer 2018 VT Grading Rubric NURS 4345 Health Information Technology APA APA formatting is 15% of the assignment grade APA APA formatting One APA error Proper APA followed formatting followed Points Revised: cs/rp 4/18 15 13 Two APA errors 11 Three APA errors Four or more APA errors 10 0-9
Impact of HIT Health Assignment