Impact of Information
TOPIC- “Impact of Information Technology(IT) in the business world”Please, search for a Peer-reviewed journal paper in relation to the topic of your main proposal. This paper can be one of the papers you used in your literature review section or the methodology; whichever you feel comfortable with. Once you locate the ideal paper, review the paper, and prepare a report of a 1-page critical review essay of the paper. NB: The date of publication of the paper should be limited to the last 10 years (2010)!In your review, reflect on the research problem, data, and methodology used. Further, comment on the key findings and limitations you observe in the study and how the paper helps in framing the study on your own topic for the proposal. The general content and flow of the paper should follow 1. Introduction 2. Summary and critique of the paper 3. Comments on how the article relates to other work on the same subject and how this adds to your topic of study 4. Comments on how the structure of the paper relates to the standard scientific research paper (content and coverage, especially, in relation to concepts you learned in the class 5. Conclusion 6. References