Impact of Pandemic on the US Economy | Instant Homework Solutions
Instructions: I want you to do a brief analysis of the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on the US economy. More specifically, I want you to focus on the impacts of the virus in the following areas from March until August: 1. the overall economy (economic output, stock market, etc); 2. the overall rate of unemployment in the United States; 3. the overall rate of inflation in the United States; 4. the projected budget deficits and national debt of the US for the year 2020; 5. government actions in an attempt to soften / minimize the impacts of the virus on the US economy. In other words, comment on what the federal government or the Federal Reserve has done so far to soften the impacts of Coronavirus on the US economy. No need to do “heavy” research on this topic and confine your analysis to no more than 2 pages in length. Be sure to justify your answers with economic data. There should be 5 separate paragraphs with each one addressing a topic or issue as asked.