[SOLVED] Implementation systems are used to allow the necessary changes i
Implementation systems are used to allow the necessary changes in an organization to take place. Kurt Lewin described change into three phases: unfreezing, moving and refreezing (Nelson, 2014, p. 29). Determining which parts of an organization need change falls under the first phase of change called unfreezing. According to Lewins theory, limiting the amount of resistance would result in the most successful implementation. During phase one, allowing employees to have an input on what they wish could be improved would create a more harmonious decision-making process and therefore result in the least resistance. My work environment does not include the working nurses in this portion of change. In my opinion, this is the reason that most of the nurses are not happy with all the adjustments brought about in the workplace. The second phase is the most unstable period for the system. Anxiety levels can be expected to increase, and this is when resistance can be felt (Nelson, 2014, p. 29). Management can use this time to sway the system users with incentives, words of encouragement and requests for feedback. For me, I do not see this occurring when a new system is added. We receive emails explaining the new protocol, how to use the system and disciplinary actions if not used properly. Ideally, I believe that a test run of new systems would be an effective way to prepare nurses for what to expect and fine tune hiccups before threatening repercussions. The last phase occurs after implementation and involves maintaining the change. This refreezing process encourages resistance to change (Nelson, 2014, p. 29). There have been occasions when I noticed faults in the system and places where improvement can happen. At that point I usually call the office and explain what is going on. My concerns are met with understanding and they work with me when they can afford to do so, however it does not usually go beyond verbal support over the phone. Over time, small changes have been made to the system and emails sent out to review expectations with nurses. Reading about effective change in the textbook explains that this way of doing things will most likely bring about the most resistance. An information technology in and of itself cannot do anything, and when the patterns of its use are not tailored to the workers and their environment to yield high quality care, the technological interventions will not be productive (AHRQ, 2019). In the healthcare setting, nurses should be voices in the change that occurs and management should be supportive and open to an interdisciplinary way of establishing information systems. Until this occurs, negative reactions to change will continue to make the process difficult and challenging for all employees. References AHRQ. (2019). Barriers to HIT Implementation | AHRQ National Resource Center; Health Information Technology: Best Practices Transforming Quality, Safety, and Efficiency. Retrieved from https://healthit.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-costs-and-benefits-database/barriers-hit-implementation (Links to an external site.) REPLY 2 Training, New Information System, & Evaluation Modern healthcare systems are characterized by the utilization of sophisticated information systems to facilitate critical care provision. Healthcare organizations that focus on improving the quality and cost of care through information systems realize their relevance after implementation. The inadequacy of effective and reliable infrastructures is among the factors that facilitate poor performance in healthcare. The integration of different information systems enables excellent management of patient data, funds, and healthcare-related projects. The complexity of an information system affects its implementation process, hence attaining anticipated results (Gomes & Romao, 2018). It is essential to engage healthcare nurses in implementing and evaluating different information systems; however, such activities require adequate training. Most nurses are unfamiliar with the newly implemented information systems that aim to improve the quality of care. Notably, the unfamiliarity is commonplace in healthcare facilities in the country and abroad. In my current organization, nurses are acquainted with new skills to utilize the existing information systems through training. Most of the activity occurs through attending workshops where nurses interact with experts or through simulated programs. The nursing workshops acquaints the nurses with the basics, outlook, and functionality of the newly implemented infrastructure. The simulation models involve interacting with the new technologies artificially. The simulation approach is highly effective in information systems such as the EHR, one of the technologies that continue to change patient data management in healthcare. After the training, it is essential to engage the nurses in implementing and evaluating the information system. Davidson et al. (2020) note that the implementation of new information systems is characterized by ultimate complexity; however, they are essential when improving the quality of services rendered to patients. Although the designs are highly effective, it is necessary to ensure that there are constant evaluations. Several evaluation criteria can be used in healthcare facilities that require the engagement of nurses. For instance, the current organization utilizes an evaluation model that assesses the impacts of the information system. Nurses are engaged in data collection and analysis. The evaluation model is among the reputable tools used in the assessment stage. Secondly, a visualization tool is also essential in evaluating an information system; however, its effectiveness associates with the evaluation modelthe tool helps map the progression of an information system. Additionally, the performance of the device depends on the contribution of healthcare nurses. The commonly used visualization tools include Google Analytics and R language that also require a resourceful foundation for evaluating an information systems performance. Several aspects affect the performance and effectiveness of visualization tools in healthcare facilities. One is that the device requires individuals who are conversant with different computer software. Therefore, nurses who help evaluate information systems must undergo thorough training to increase their competence in the evaluation procedure. Summing up, current information systems in healthcare systems are among the promising initiatives for improving the quality of care and increasing affordability. Information systems provide a reputable framework for effective data management and execution of multiple activities within the healthcare facility. However, it is essential to engage the healthcare nurses as they play various significant responsibilities when handling patients data and other critical information. These professionals should also be involved in evaluating the effectiveness of the newly implemented systems. Such engagements serve as a motivating factor improving the quality of services rendered to patients. References Davidson, B., Dewan, M. A., Kumar, V. S., Chang, M., & Liggett, B. (2020). Visualizing benefits: Evaluating the healthcare information system using the IS-impact model. IEEE Access, 8, 148052-148065. doi:10.1109/access.2020.3015467 Gomes, J., & Romão, M. (2018). Information system maturity models in healthcare. Journal of Medical Systems, 42(12). doi:10.1007/s10916-018-1097-0 All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric. 200 words each reply
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