Importance of ASD Awareness
Option 2: Letter of AdvocacyInvestigate community resources (services) for a community need of interest to you. This can be a local need or one focused on a state, national, or world issue.TOPIC: Bringing awareness to the ASD community and providing better resources for the ASD community.1. Service Learning Approval Assignmenta. Submit your need or issue for approval in the corresponding assignment in D2L.Page 2 of 4b. Make sure to state you are doing the letter of advocacy option.c. Answer:i. How does this need or issue relate to concepts of the course?d. Make sure to identify which chapter(s) from the textbook addresses the concepts you are discussing.e. You will receive my approval in the comment box (worth 4 points).2. Service Learning Documentation AssignmentA. Open the resource research log.B. Research local, state, and national resources available to your local community members. You can obtain your information in one or more of the following ways:National organization: The Autism Society; this is a mass hub of information to educate those who are involved with someone on the spectrum. It provides multiple articles explaining what ASD is and signs and symptoms.State Organization (I live in NC, please let me know if these need to be switched to CO)- ABC of NC- this is a private state wide facility in NC that performs numerous therapies for people on the spectrum and then that data is collected and sent off to researchers to further improve behavior therapies. This organization is a non profit that also hosts group meetings, parent education, workshops for the children, and even encourages the families to attend TEDTalks on ASDLocal- Autism Society of Cumberland County; they provide direct assistance and referrals from insurance companies to therapy clinics, host local group meetings, as well as work directly with local sports groups and educational groups for people on the spectrum.C . Online information? Note on the resource research log:? Organization name? Web address? Services provided? Local, state, or national? Day and time of research (# of minutes spent on site)3. Some questions to think about as you research the available resources:i. What is the need or issue in specific terms?ii. What community resources are there to address the need or issue?iii. Where does the funding come from to allow these resources to operate and provide the services?iv. What services are provided by the organization(s)?v. Who benefits from these services?vi. How do these services impact the larger community in terms of quality of life and/or economic development?Write a letter of advocacy on the need or issue to be sent to a relevant official or organization.You should spend approximately 6 hours in your research and writing your letter of advocacy.