[ORDER SOLUTION] Imprinting Theory
The visual aspect of childrens literature is immense and difficult to cover in a text-based; you will be showing one detailed analysis of an illustration. An infographic is a document that uses both text and images.?An original Infographic, 1 page?Written Reflection, 1-2 pages, 500-750 words (double-spaced,12-pt font in a standard font, such as Times New Roman or Calibri, in the default format of a Word document, with 2.54 cm margins on all sides).?Value = 10%?MLA FormatInstructions:Find an illustration from one either one of the fairy tales(Struwwelpeter, Little Red Riding Hood (Cap)) or another fairy tale of interest.Create an infographic to show how the illustration represents one or more aspects of the fairytale. Consider these questions in your infographic:a.What does the illustrator do to visually portray the moral of the fairy tale?b.What do they do thats different from the text?c.How does the Illustration match the techniques discussed in Amuse and Instruct?d.How does (or does not) the illustration you picked reflect John Lockes tabula Rasa imprinting theory?e.Write a debatable thesis your infographic argues about the illustration2)Write a reflection answering the following questions:a.When was it produced/which version of the fairy tale did it appear with?b.Who is the illustrator?c.Why did you pick the illustration?d.What did you learn in the process of creating the infographic?e. How will you use what you learned in this process going forward in academic contexts?What I am Looking For:1)Clear, simple (but effective) graphics2)One major argument (one clear thesis/point)3)Evidence from the text (To Amuse and Instruct & your chose fairy tale)4)Clean writing (academic tone, no contractions, no personal pronouns, no grammar mistakes, etc.)5)Include a copy of the illustration that you created the infographic6)Works Cited Page (be sure to cite the fairy tale AND the illustration)Research Resources:Osborne Childrens Collections: https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Erp=20&N=38537+38533&view=grid