[SOLVED] In 500 words Choose from one of the following diseases and find
In 500 words Choose from one of the following diseases and find an outbreak that occurred in the United States within the last 3 years: Norovirus Salmonella Shigella E. coli Botulism Clostridium perfringens Listeria Vibrio Campylobacter. 1. Describe the disease. 2. When did this specific outbreak occur and what was the health officials reactions? 3. The virus in details (classification and infection control measures) 4. What is the incubation period and how is it spread? 5. What are the signs and symptoms? 6. What is the treatment (if any)? 7. Where did the outbreak occur? 8. How many people were involved? 9. What should have been done to prevent its spread? 10. Provide recommendations on what should be done in the future.
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