Individual Evaluation
Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop: Group and Individual Evaluation Submit Assignment Due No Due Date Points 25 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload Available until Dec 11 at 11:59pm Course Weight: 15%- See rubric for assessment criteria. Due Date: One week after workshop by midnight (11:59 pm). (*mark of 0 if elements not submitted/late without consulting instructor for approval before due date as per policy) Goal: For the student to critically analyze their own role in the implementation of the Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop. For the student to critically analyze their group members’ role in the implementation of the Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop. ____________________________________________________________ One week after the Modality and Therapeutic Activity Workshop has been implemented each CYC student will submit a 4-5 page (not including APA title page) individual evaluation of their role along with the Group Members Rubric and summary. Classroom feedback may be included as it relates to the students individual role. Marks will be awarded for the students own ability to critically analyze their skill set. The are two parts to this assignment: 1. Group member assessment-5% Assessment of all group members participation during planning and implementation of the workshop and psycho-educational write up. See template here: Minimize File Preview 2. Self assessment-10% Critical assessment of skills demonstrated during the planning and implementation of the workshop, therapeutic activity/discussion and psycho-educational write up. ____________________________________________________________ 1. Group Member Evaluation (5%) Complete Group Member Evaluation rubric and write a summary paragraph for each member. 2. Self Assessment (10%) Critically analyze your role during the workshop/therapeutic activity & discussion. Focus on how you implemented the therapeutic activity and facilitated the small group discussion. Assess all the positive and negative aspects. Analyze your role during preparations for this assignment. Discuss what you would do the same and what you would do differently if you were to engage in this assignment again (including planning, implementation of workshop, therapeutic activity/discussion.) Provide examples of the modification ideas such as the exact wording you would use or changes to the task. Include a clear statement of your goals and strengths for this workshop. Provide concrete examples to support your observations and assessment. ____________________________________________________________ Formatting: Typed in 12 point Times New Roman font double spaced group members summary and Self Assessment single space the group members rubric Include a title page in APA format Docx or .doc format Submit one (1) file Resources for APA referecing: (Links to an external site.) Rubric Workshop Assignment: Group and Individual Evaluation Workshop Assignment: Group and Individual Evaluation Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome On-going assignment involvement 5.0 pts Level 5 Leadership role in contribution to group effortAttended all group meetingsExcellent, ongoing participation on and off-lineExceeded group expectationsMet all deadlinesSuperior effort demonstratedGoes beyond stated criteriaExcellent Peer reviews 3.0 pts Level 3 Adequate leadership in their assigned roleContributed to group effortAttended most group meetingsSome participation on and off-lineMet group expectations/met most deadlinesAverage effort demonstratedAverage Peer reviews 1.0 pts Level 2 Minimal contribution to group effortMinimal leadership in their assigned roleAttended some group meetingsMinimal participation one and off-lineDiscussion ForumMet some group expectationsMet some deadlinesAverage effort demonstratedAverage Peer reviews 0.0 pts Level 4 No leadership in their assigned roleDoes not attend most group meetingsLittle to no participation in planningDiscussion ForumFails to meet group expectationsFails to meet deadlinesBelow average effort demonstratedBelow average Peer reviews 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Part One: Group Member Evaluation- Rubric and Summary 10.0 pts Level 5 Completed on or before due dateSuperior detail, includes rubricExcellent summary of each member’s role in assignmentExcellent example of assignment 7.0 pts Level 3 Completed on or before due dateAdequate detail, includes rubricAdequate summary of each member’s role in assignment 5.0 pts Level 2 Completed on due dateSome detailsSome summary of each member’s role in assignment 2.0 pts Level 1 Not completed or lateMinimal detail, no rubricMinimal summary of each member’s role in assignment 10.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Part Two: Self Assessment-Application 5.0 pts Level 5 Exemplary observationsExcellent linkage to course contentAll points supported by relevant concrete examplesCritical analysis of own strengths and goalsAbove expected criteria 4.0 pts Level 3 Adequate observations or descriptions includedAdequate linkage to course contentAdequate examples includedAdequate analysis of own strengths and goals 3.0 pts Level 2 Some observations includedSome linkage to course contentSome examples includedSome analysis of own strengths and goals 1.0 pts Level 1 Missing observationsNo links/limited links to course contentMinimal examples includedMinimal to no analysis of own strengths, goalsRelies predominantly on classroom feedback or sweeping generalizations 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics 5.0 pts Level 5 Well organized.No errors in spelling and or grammarAPA: error-free.Completed in a timely manner.Thoughtful and professional conclusions. 4.0 pts Level 3 Generally well organized.Minimal errors in spelling and or grammar.APA citation: errors.Completed in a timely manner.Some conclusions. 3.0 pts Level 2 Poorly organized, does not follow format.Several errors in spelling and or grammar (3- 5 mistakes)APA citation: frequent errors.Completed in a timely manner.Minimal conclusions. 0.0 pts Level 1 Poorly organized, does not follow format.Major repeated errors in spelling and or grammar (more than 5 mistakes).APA citation: major errors.Not completed in a timely manner.No conclusions. 5.0 pts Total Points: 25.0