Inductive Reasoning
Apply the vocabulary and concepts relevant to eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century European and American art, artists, and art history.30.e Interpret a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European or American art using appropriate art historical methods of observation, comparison, and inductive reasoning.30.f Select visual and textual evidence in various media to support an argument or an interpretation of a work of eighteenth- or early nineteenth-century European and American art.
Resources Using Discussion Boards – Blackboard Student Tutorial Grading Criteria- there is a rubric on the DB page to help guide your entry. For a top score, you must respond constructively to at least two other students. More extensive participation will be noted.SpecificationsPost your opening response to the question early in the assignment period so that others have time to respond to you. A thoughtful opening response will be relevant to the prompt and have evidence of direct observation. The PromptRespond to the following discussion question for this module.
Chapter 30 covers a very turbulent time in western art. In Europe, it was a time that the aristocratic rulers lost power through revolutions and social change challenged long-held beliefs and living conditions, and ways of life. This was not a time of calm, successive movements but a time when counter points of view coexisted and clashed. Specifically, the ideas of the Enlightenment and of Romanticism.
For this prompt, please choose one piece of work from either style and discuss it using the four types of art historical analysis. Please include what aspects of the piece show Enlightenment ideas or Romantic characteristics. Please support your opinion with other examples of art from this chapter. Remember to include an image of the work of art you are discussing.