Inequality of Women
Hist 105 Roots of Contemporary Issues Research Essay Upload your essay as a single document Purpose: After completing this assignment, you will explore: The historical roots of a contemporary issue of your choice. The global significance of your specific issue. How to conduct historical research using primary and secondary scholarly sources. How the past relates to and influences current issues. Skills: The purpose of this assignments is to develop the following skills, which support the learning goals of the class. Use reason, evidence, and context to increase knowledge and to reason ethically, and to innovate in comparative thinking. Aid in ability to write effectively to achieve intended meaning and understanding. Work to understand, respect and interact constructively with other perspectives. Develop depth, breadth, and integration of learning for the benefit of themselves, their communities, their employers, and for society at large. Task: Choosing a contemporary issue of your own choice, use parts I-IV of the research paper assignment to gather and analyze sources, develop a thesis, and draft parts of your essay all of which culminates in an essay tracing its deep historical roots and its global significance. Use the sources youve gathered and analyzed in research paper parts I-IV to begin writing and note that you may find it necessary to use additional sources available though the library. All sources must be properly cited using Chicago style footnotes and in a formal bibliography attached to the end of the paper, which does not count in your minimum 5 pages (1300 words) (review citations in parts I-IV). Criteria: See Rubric in assignment and on Blackboard for details. Format/Technical: All papers must be typed, at least 5 pages (1300 words) in length (double-spaced, not including bibliography) 12-point font and 1 inch margins. No title pages. Your name and section number should appear in the upper left-hand header. Choose an appropriate title, type it on the first line of text, and then begin your essay immediately after. Do not use long quotations to fill up space! These will be penalized. All essays should be thoroughly proofread: essays with more than three typographical errors will be marked down half a letter grade. It is highly recommended that you use an outside proofreader or the Writing Center to cut down your sentence structure and grammatical errors. Make sure your introduction clearly introduces your contemporary issue, and the central points (thesis/argument). The body of your paper should clearly identify the historical roots of your contemporary issue through time and across space. Remember to provide a conclusion that brings all the various parts of your essay together, especially addressing the question of how an understanding of the past is important to understand your issue in the present. You will use footnotes and provide a bibliography. You will use Chicago Manual of Style for citations.