Information Communication Technology and ISIS
The paper should be typed, be no less than 1.5 in spacing between the lines and no smaller than 11.5 font size Times New Roman Globalization has made the most impact on communication as well as communication technology. Please explain how ISIS uses Information Communication Technology (ICT). Please use the powerpoint as a basis and follow it when writing the paper. Include the sections listed in the powerpoint and go more in depth. Include briefly a background. then Starting with Fundraising. discuss the use of dark web and use of bitcoins, which needs to be further developed further in the paper. In Fundraising Part 2 connect the use of fundraisingg to connections to the use of ICTs. Explore how ICTs are used in efforts to raise money through the other fundraising avenues/mechanisms described. (Further exploring Al Dabiq may also provide a proper direction for additional analysis). connect between the discussion of categories (mobilization, fundraising, recruiting, etc.) and the various examples provided (You seem to have done this with the communication category). Lastly Please reference where ISIS is today in terms of using social media and other ICTs. .