Informative Essay
Define or redefine one of the following words: Family Success Courage Art Beauty In your draft, briefly explain how society, or the dictionary, defines the word you’ve selected, and then explain your unique or extended definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support your definition. Your thesis must inform your readers of your new definition and, because you are writing in the informative mode, you must use objective language .
Using the color codes provided, evaluate your draft as follows: Use red text to indicate your thesis statement.
Use green text to indicate the topic sentence of each body paragraph. Essay Prompt: Image Analysis ? If you chose the image analysis prompt, have you analyzed and interpreted and not just described the ad’s design? ? Have you made conclusions about the audience and effectiveness of the ad? ? Did you include the image in your draft? ? Did you complete the color-coding activity? ? Is your draft 800-1300 words long?
Essay Prompt: Extended Definition ? If you chose the extended definition prompt, did you indicate how society defines the word you selected, and then explain your definition (or an extended definition) of it? ? Have you included examples and explanations to support your definition? ? Did you complete the color-coding activity? ?
Is your draft 800-1300 words long? Working Thesis ? Have you included a clear, focused, and detailed thesis statement? ? Does your thesis state the topic and purpose of your essay? ? Is your thesis a single sentence, and is it located in the introductory paragraph? Focus and Organization ? Is there an adequate number of body paragraphs, each with a clear topic sentence? ? Is there a conclusion paragraph that makes a concluding statement? ? Are your draft paragraphs sequenced properly?
Have you used transitions to connect ideas between sentences and paragraphs? ? Can your draft be described as having a good flow? ? Does your draft have a clear focus? ? Are all supporting details relevant? Style and Tone ? Is the tone of your draft unbiased and informative?
Is it clear that the purpose of your essay is to inform readers about your topic? ? Have you carefully considered your word choices? Conventions ? Have you checked your draft for grammatical errors?
Have you used Spell-Check or another method to check spelling? ? Have you punctuated your draft correctly?