Intellectual Integrity
The midterm this quarter is an exercise in explaining the relevant theoretical concepts (from lectures and academic readings) and using them to fashioning an argument about your analysis of cultural works (film, fiction, poetry, music, etc.). Please respond to ONE of the questions below in a 3-4 page double-spaced essay. The prompts will allow you flexibility in how you want to respond. Please keep in mind the following components of a good essay: a direct response to the question you choose, a coherent thesis that is well-supported with illustrations and evidence from your readings and cultural works, reference to relevant authors, and good writing mechanics. Please mind your grammar and spelling. And cite your authors in the following format: (author, page number). You can also use lecture materials and indicate that it is from lecture. Please adhere to standards of intellectual integrity and do your own work.question 3: We discussed in class how Vietnamese fiction from the early decades of the 20th century (under colonial rule) used figures of women to criticize colonial power structures or envision the future. How do you see figures of women used in Nh?t Linhs A Dream of Tu Lam and/or the excerpt of Dumb Luck by V? Tr?ng Ph?ng? Preview in your intro your argument as well as the concepts that might help your analysis. In the body of your essay, please explain relevant concepts from class lecture/discussion and any relevant academic reading such as McClintock, and make your analysis of one of both of these cultural works.