International Business Proposal
1.0 INTRODUCTION First of all, briefly explain what this assignment is all about. Mention the name of the company, with reference to the pricewaterhousecoopers list and the theory that is chosen to analyse the market entry modes. End with mentioning the aim of this study . To propose and justify suitable entry modes into two potential foreign markets using . Theory. 2.0 INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY X Introduce the company youve chosen for your assignment, starting with its time of inception. Identify the key factors influencing your chosen MNE. Feel free to mention factors that restricted the company growth, something that can be even a motivational factor of pursuing entry into foreign markets. 3.0 THEORY OF INTERNATIONALISATION In this section, you should review at least one international business theory (e.g. eclectic theory, Uppsala model, network theory, international production life cycle etc). You are required to explain the theory in the context of foreign market operation of your chosen company and industry. Here, you need to use more industry and market-specific information to explain the theory and other way round (explaining the theory using information). (1,500 words to be used for Sections 2.0 and 3.0) 4.0 POTENTIAL MARKETS AND SUITABLE ENTRY MODES Here, you need to introduce two foreign markets that youve targeted to enter. 4.1. MARKET 1: In this section, you need to introduce one potential market and a suitable entry mode for this market. You are expected to justify the choice of this market and suitability of the entry mode that you have identified. Use the conceptual ideas as covered in class lectures and seminars but dont copy and paste those ideas as they are. (1,000 words to be used) 4.2 MARKET 2: In this section, you need to introduce one potential market and a suitable entry mode for this market. You are expected to justify the choice of this market and suitability of the entry mode that you have identified. Use the conceptual ideas as covered in class lectures and seminars but dont copy and paste those ideas as they are. (1,000 words to be used) 5.0 CONCLUDING COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Sum up your findings here for both markets and the entry modes you chose. End up recommending suitable strategies for future expansion. It can be done with reference to other company examples. (500 to be used for Sections 1.0 and 5.0). REFERENCES (Follow Harvard Referencing Style, Word count doesnt apply on this) NOTE: All your supporting statements on the company analysis should be evidence-based and duly referenced. Direct copy and paste of textbook information dont fulfil the assignment requirements. You need to cite practical information and examples to develop your case in this assignment. For writing style using third person, please follow the journal articles.