International Development
Please pick a policy (law, regulation, decree, or any other written and official policy document) or a social norm in a specific developing country that hinders, according to your opinion, the social and/or economic development of this country. Respond to the following questions:1. Description (30%):a. What is the policy or social norm about and how did it evolve?b. Which problem in the country does the policy or social norm aim to address?c. Which institutions are engaged in the implementation of the policy or social norm?2. Benefits, costs, and impacts (20%):a. Who benefits from the policy or social norm?b. Who loses as a result of the policy or social norm?c. Why does the policy or social norm hinder the development of the country?3. Improvement (50%):a. How can the policy be improved or how can the social norm be altered to mitigate its negative impacts?b. Who would benefit and who would lose as a result of these changes?c. What would it take to implement these changes? Discuss which actors or institutions should be engaged, and what are the possible modalities for implementing the change in practice.