[ORDER SOLUTION] International Influence
Here, you put yourself in the shoes of Joseph Stalin, and provide a description and analysis of the national strategy of that time. Your analysis ought to continue the following:- -Identification of the most dangerous internal threat to power of the Russian state. –Identification of the most dangerous external threat to the power of the Russian state. –Policies intended to preserve national cohesion (both sticks and carrots), including economic and social policy. –Policies aimed at preserving and expanding the countrys international influence.–The role of allies and use of military force in that strategy. –Relative success or failure (in other words, does the leader go down in history as a Great Russian Leader?) and causeswhich specific policies proved the weak link? –Last but not least: comparison to contemporary Russia and its own current policy took kit. Have lessons been learned? Are mistakes being repeated? Research Paper Grading Criteria:Each paper will be evaluated according to the following:–Introduction that establishes what the topic of your paper is, and its importance to understanding international conflict. –A clear hypothesis which explains the argument you are making in the paper.–Extensive empirical evidence backing up your hypothesis. –Supporting your assertions and evidence with bibliography and citations.–Proper grammar, syntax, spelling.Each of these categories will receive a mark of 1 (inadequate), 2 (adequate), or 3 (outstanding). A paper which scores nothing but 1s will receive a comprehensive grade of F (40%), a paper with nothing but 2s will receive a comprehensive grade of C- (70%), and a paper with nothing but 3s will receive a comprehensive grade of A (100%). Course Schedule