Introduction to Bioethics
The purpose of this assignment is to exercise creativity and appreciative inquiry as you develop a scholarly paper. Please select one of the video presentations by The Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University by Dr. Maggie Little and summarize the talking points of the presentation. Write a three-page paper (excluding cover page and reference page) with at least 2 references, using proper APA formatting, summarizing the content discussed during one of the talks by Dr. Little. Be creative, use graphics. You will submit your completed assignment via SafeAssign on Blackboard. Writing Assignment Rubric used as assessment measure.Im choosing the followingIntroduction to Bioethics: Bioethics at the Bedside This talk focuses on Bioethics at the bedside – ethical issues centered on the patient encounter, including the vulnerability of illness, the importance of patient and provider autonomy, conscientious objection, and fair communication.