ITEC 2060 Week 6 – Assignment Data Warehouses and Business Intelligence
Im working on a MySQL question and need guidance to help me study.
Assignment: Data Warehouses and Business Intelligence
Big data, business intelligence, online analytical processing, data mining, business analytics all have one thing in common; they often rely on a data warehouse to store information. Data warehouses store very large amounts of data. This raw data is of little value unless it can be transformed into meaningful and useful information.
In this application, you will use the text and other resources to examine data warehousing. You will submit a 3-4 page paper that addresses the following topics:
- What is a data warehouse?
- What are the primary similarities and differences between a data warehouse and a transactional database?
- When should an organization consider developing a data warehouse?
- How are data warehouses structured?
- Describe at least two real-world examples of how a data warehouse is used to provide business intelligence that can give an organization a competitive advantage.
Include at least two additional interesting facts you discovered in your research on data warehouses and business intelligence.……