[SOLVED] Journal Assignment instructions: The final project for this cour
Journal Assignment instructions: The final project for this course is a case study that you will select, analyze, and report on using the IRAC (issue, rule, application, conclusion) format. Review the description of the final project in the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document. Visit the selected resources or other sources for locating reported case law. Think about the kind of case you would like to analyze. Create a journal entry outlining your preliminary thoughts for the project. What type of provider (hospital, nursing home, doctor, dentist, etc.) will be involved in your case? What kind of fact pattern are you looking for? Do you want to explore a local case or a nationally publicized story? Where will you find your case? What research have you done so far? What kinds of questions do you want to answer? Your journal entry should be at least 300 words. Outside sources are not required. For the essay outline: Create an outline for your final project. The outline should use the following structure: Part I: Introduction Parties Facts Claims Part II: Analysis Issue Rule Analysis Evidence Defenses Ethical Issues Conclusion Part III: Variation Analysis of Hypothetical Please see attachment for detailed instructions of this assignment
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