Junk Food Tax | Instant Homework Solutions
M3.2 Point/Counterpoint: Junk Food Tax GECC Should we implement a junk food tax?mM3 DB one image .png Discussion Instructions Be sure you have read pages 3.6 through 3.9 of Chapter 3 in the webtext prior to participating in the debate. Use this Tip Sheet for a Great Debate Preview the document make sure you are following best practices to engage in an academic debate effectively. (If your last name starts with A-K you will argue the pro position. If your last name starts with L-Z you will argue the con position.) Initial post: By Thursday of Module 3, make your argument about whether the United States should adopt a junk food tax to reduce consumption. Make sure your argument is informed by evidence that discusses this issue in at least one other country besides the US. Include in your initial post: An argument for why your side is correct. An argument for why the other side is incorrect. Make sure to back up your post with evidence from at least 1 credible, relevant source that addresses this issue in another country besides the US. You will not be able to see posts written by your classmates until you create your initial post. Replies: Then, from Friday through Sunday of Module 3, engage in respectful back and forth debate on your topic with your peers, offering additional arguments to rebut their points and bringing in further evidence from a global lens, addressing this topic beyond the US. At minimum, you should respond to the arguments of two of your peers. Evaluation This discussion will be graded according to the Cornerstone Discussion Board Rubric. Review the rubric and Discussion Board Expectations in advance to know how you will be assessed. All discussion boards combined are worth 20% of your course grade. This activity is used to assess one or more general education career competencies (GECC). You will see additional rows in your rubric from your instructor along with assessments of Above/Meets/Does Not Meet Expectations for each competency. These rows do not factor into your grade.