Lascaux Cave
Lesson on LASCAUX: Summarize the information in the essay by Dr. Mary Beth Looney on the cave paintings of Lascaux. (Lesson: Intro. + 5 topics to summarize, a total of 6 summaries.) For each paragraph/topic in the reading, relate important points, topic-by-topic with a summary, each summary with a line space in-between. A run-on paragraph cannot be graded. Do not cut and paste the reading and then change it because TURNITIN will read it as copying and not as original. Non-original writing cannot receive a grade. Take notes in your own words and then summarize (no quotes). Summaries that are too close to the original text will receive little or no credit. We need to see what you think about what you have read, and viewed. You must be original! OTHER ANSWER SOURCES ARE NOT ACCEPTED. Link to read