Leadership and Teaching Discussion
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2n1jrd (Links to an external site.) After viewing this video, in your future: How will you? *Model the behavior you want to see? * Connect with the people you lead? *Involve them in whatever you do? Read the following poem and as an instructional leader, how would you use this poem as a tool to facilitate change. If, I as a teacher, · I present the same lessons in the same manner that I have used in the past; · I seek no feedback from my students; · I do not analyze and evaluate their work in a manner that changes my own emphasis, repertoire, and timing; · I do not visit or observe other adults as they teach; · I do not share the work of my students with colleagues for feedback, suggestions, and critiques; · I do not visit other schools or attend particular workshops or seminars or read professional literature on aspects of my teaching; · I do not welcome visitors with experience and expertise to observe and provide feedback to me on my classroom prac- tice; · I have no yearly individualized professional development plan focused on classroom changes to improve student learning; and finally, · I have no systemic evaluation of my teaching tied to indi- vidual, grade/department, and schoolwide goals, Then I have absolutely no way to become better as a teacher.