LTC vs. Acute
Rasmussen Medical Center is building a long term care (LTC) facility (nursing home) that will be connected to the hospital. You have been invited to a planning meeting with the HIM Director who must plan for the patient record system in the new facility. The HIM Director has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation on the differences between an acute care setting and a long term care setting. What are some of the first things you could do to be sure you understand how medical records might be managed differently in this type of facility? What are some of the obvious differences between a hospital and a long term care facility that will likely affect health information at this facility? Your presentation should be a minimum of 8 slides (including a Title slide and References slide) and address the following: Overview of an acute care facility versus a LTC facility. Examples of services that are specific to a LTC facility. Differences in chart documentation. Differences in health care payers. Overview of how medical records might be managed differently in LTC versus an acute care facility. Include APA formatted citations for your references. Scoring Rubric: Module 05 Written Assignment – What’s the Difference: LTC vs. Acute Criteria Points Provided overview of acute care vs LTC. 5 Described examples of services specific to LTC. 6 Described differences in chart documentation. 7 Described the differences in health care payers. 7 Provided overview of differences of how records are managed differently. 7 Presentation has a minimum of 7 slides and is free of spelling and grammar errors. 3 Total 35