Man-made and Natural Disaster Response
Please type your responses to the following questions regarding man made and natural disasters. Please make sure you provide your references for each question. If you feel you have good knowledge or experience you can just indicate (self) If you use the recourses that I recommended you should still tell me where the information came from.1. September, 2017 hurricane Irma devastated the East Coast, particularly Florida, Georgia and Puerto Rico. Tornados and hurricanes seem to be more commonplace in the United States every year with devastating effects. Using these events as an example discuss the physical, emotional and environmental health concerns that need to be considered during the response and recovery planning of these communities.a) Physical, environmental (condition of the city after the disaster that may have brought about health and safety concerns to the population. Examples would be down power lines, mold) (list and discuss at least four)b) Emotional (Emotionally individuals had many things to deal with after the storm, list and explain at least five)c) American Red Cross suggests that the first recommendation for a family to be prepared for any natural disaster is to have knowledge of what possible disasters could happen in their community. What potential disasters should we be concerned about in Rochester, New York? d) As organizations such as FEMA as well as local/national meteorologists try to warn the public about potential weather dangers they use terms like, WATCH, WARNING or ADVISORIES. Please describe and discuss each (all 3) of these in regards to potential weather emergencies. .2. Devastating acts such as terrorism have raised growing concerns in the United States. However, there are things that you can do to prepare for an unexpected event such as terrorist attack. Use the FEMA website and review the information on terrorism (types of disasters) PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:a) Briefly discuss high-risk targets (facilities) for acts of terrorism. Why do you feel these are the most vulnerable areas?b) The Department of Homeland Security has an advisory system, which replaced the color-coded advisory system. Go NTAS frequently asked Questions and respond to the following questions:1. How will you find out an NTAS alert has been announced?2. What should Americans do when an NTAS Alert or Bulleting is announced. 3. What information does an NTAS Bulletin provide and how is it different from an Alert?4. How should I report suspicious activity?3. Imaging technology is becoming an integral part of the Transportation Security Administrations (TSA) effort to ensure that travel remains safe. Part of this is installing 3D imaging machines at certain airport around the country. Most airports (including Rochester) use the millimeter wave unit.The following image shows a sample that would be reviewed by the TSA. This may assist responding to the following questions.A) These photos are a sample of what TSA workers see when passengers walk through the body scan machine. How do you feel about the use of this technology as it relates to privacy issues for the public?B) Health claims that airport full body scans pose no health risks (such as radiation exposure) to individuals. State your opinion regarding health risks of radiation. Support your ideas. Would this change any precautions you may take while taking a flight? Discuss alternatives you may have.