Management Practice and Organizational Performance | Instant Homework Solutions
Please only use material uploaded to fully answer the questions below. One attachment is a pdf and the other one is a chapter from book “Organization Theory and Public Management” by Jonathan Tompkins. (Chapter 3) The substance of Tompkins Chapter 3 provides the reader with an apparent complicated framework of four models associated values on an axis intersected at output control. The competing values framework model was based on the views of a panel of individuals who conceptualized the meaning of organizational effectiveness and assessed organized-paired criteria. The model reflects multi-dimensional concepts in an effort to understand the focus, flexibility and control that lead to a successful organization.[1] Tompkins predicated a Human Resources model which has means (cohesion/morale elements) and ends-oriented (human resources development) values. He then posits six (6) mechanisms for coordinating and controlling work activities for achieving organizational goals. He then turns to motivation strategies for employee compliance and accountability. Henry Minzberg adds a new dimension to the discussion. He also posits models in his study of organizations at an intersection of the role of the public manager and private sector management practices. This perspective provides a measured of organizations and public management. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS Identify three (3) questions raised by Tompkins that face public managers in pursuing organizational excellence. The Quinn and Rohrbaughs Competing Values Framework envisions interaction of four (4) organization models that operate at the intersection of Output Quality with a focus on control, flexibility and foci List the four (4) models. Can any model be considered to be independent of the others? How could it be used? Do the prescribed values affect organizational performance? What is meant by the need for fractional imperatives in order to achieve organizational goals? List mechanisms for coordinating and controlling work activities. Tompkins cites four (4) strategies to motivate employees. In your view, which is the most important? Is there any mechanism missing that might be more effective? While there are good attributes of each, the public and private sectors can learn for each other. There is no one-best model. Minzberg goes further in questioning who is being served by public policy. (minzbergmanaginggovernmentHBR pdf) Tompkinss discussion of the Differences Between and Among Public Agencies telegraphs many issues of organization theory. Identifify two (2) New York City (or other local or state) agencies that have different operating styles because of deference in their political environments.