Managing Human Resources
This is a Business assignment. My course is Managing Human Resources. You need to write down 6 pages essay (1500 words limited). I attached One writting requirement of this essay. I attached 7 PPT from my professor( Week 1- Week 4). I also attached 3 articles (Course material), maybe it will helpful for you. I am only a student and I do not have any working experience, please consider this when writing this essay. Please do not copy. Thank you very much! The following is the requirement of this essay: You will write a <1,500-word (6 page, 1 margins, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font) term paper for this course. The real value of this class will be determined by the degree to which you can put its lessons to use. This assignment is designed to bring the knowledge you gain in class to bear on real issues in real organizations. You must identify a human resource problem within an organization, design an appropriate potential fix for this problem, describe how it would be implemented, and finally identify potential problems the proposed change may cause. This assignment forces you to apply lessons from the class. This is an opportunity for you to explore an organizational issue in which you are interested, drawing from our course topics that you find most relevant and applicable. Some topics you might want to cover include issues of hiring and personnel selection, motivation and managing performance, managing well-being, norms and culture, managing turnover, and psychological contracts. You should pick one issue that you believe is most important and for which you think you can usefully come up with a specific and implementable solution. There is considerable flexibility about how you carry out this assignment. The best advice I can give is for you to focus on an organization you are familiar with perhaps one where you have worked or are a part of.