marketing201 and business 310
Im stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.
Week 7 Assignment
DUE: Jan 20, 2020 11:55 PM
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Assignment Instructions
Course Objectives:
- Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Sociocultural, and Economic)
- Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a worst companies to learn why it is not successful.
Continue working with your chosen least admired company and its industry and complete the following:
- Using your chosen companys domestic environment identify its economic environment and compare and contrast it using Rostow and Galbraith (see lesson plan and resources).
- Write a section for use for your Final Simulation that details the items above.
- Research requirement: minimum 2 scholarly sources PLUS something from your readings.
- Page requirement: 2-3 pages in APA format. Utilize the APA Guidelines tips PPT attached to Week 2 Assignment or other tutorial sources.
- Submit Assignment 7 by midnight, Day 7, week 7.
- Please review the rubric as well for guidance in preparing your paper.
Turn it in is now integrated with your assignment. It is not necessary for you to submit your paper separately using your TII account. Your results will be available to you here in the assignment submission area as well as the opportunity to resubmit if you need to resolve any issues with your paper. |
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Final Simulation Assignment
DUE: Jan 27, 2020 11:55 PM
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Assignment Instructions
Course/Learning Objective:
- Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Sociocultural, and Economic)
- Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a worst company to learn why it is not successful.
Using your selected “worst” company your Instructor approved from week 1 assignment and referencing the papers you developed for Weeks 2-7, integrate the company’s six environments by completing the following in a PowerPoint Presentation.
- Identify the companys domestic environment and discuss how the government regulations affect its domestic environment it must operate in.
- Identify a global environment for the company and discuss how the government regulations affect its global environment it must operate in.
- Identify the hard and soft technology and interpret the characteristics the company should have/use to be successful in its domestic and global environment.
- Identify the political-legal barriers for the company in both the domestic and global environments. Use business theory/theorists to illustrate how the company can operate successfully in its domestic and global environment.
- Identify, compare, and contrast socio-cultural factors of the domestic and global environments of the company.
- Compare and contrast two economic theories for both the domestic and global environments of the company.
- Note how these environments interrelate in their influence on this company’s business.
Instructions for presenting the above as your final simulation:
- Develop a PowerPoint presentation of your strategy of success for the company based on your evaluation of steps 1-7 above, by assessing what you have learned through your research and readings. Compare what the company has been doing as a “worst” company to what you recommend it should be doing. You cannot state that you would not change anything.
- Your presentation should be 12-14 slides to discuss your findings in response to the topics above.
- Be sure to include speaker’s notes with your slides OR create a an audio narrative with the PPT slides, OR a video of yourself giving the presentation of the slides. The PPT program has an audio add-in feature. Also, for video, you can do this using the Kaltura tool and your laptop or mobile device (on the toolbar between the movie clip and the insert table icons).
- You must incorporate critical thinking, and be organized, interesting, and complete.
- Research requirement: minimum 5 scholarly sources PLUS the text/readings and Geert Hofstede.(i.e. total of 7 sources +…. see Rubric)
- Submit Final Simulation Assignment by midnight, Day 7, week 8.
Grading Rubric
Review the grading rubric for this assignment before submitting your work.
Turn it in is now integrated with your assignment. It is not necessary for you to submit your paper separately using your TII account. Your results will be available to you here in the assignment submission area as well as the opportunity to resubmit if you need to resolve any issues with your paper. |
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Assignment Seven
DUE: Jan 19, 2020 11:55 PM
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Assignment Instructions
Assignment 7
Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal? When successfully building loyalty and community, trust seems to be the biggest factor. How can a company build trust and what is the best approach to do so (incorporating concepts from both the field of marketing and psychology)? What are the ethical issues and obligations that come with trust once it is built? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are just more prone to be loyal to companies and other consumers are not? Why or why not?
Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is 2 body pages. You will need a title page, reference page and in-text citations.
Final Project
DUE: Jan 26, 2020 11:55 PM
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Assignment Instructions
Final Project: Covers chapters 1 through chapters 16
In this course on the Fundamentals of Marketing, we learned about a variety of elements/components of business and marketing that contribute to the marketing and promotion of products. The underlying purpose of these activities is to achieve a return on investment or sales, which should result in profit for companies and businesses. Your final assignment has two parts.
Part 1
Discuss what a marketing plan is and describe the different components of the marketing plan in your own words (see figure 16.2 in the text). Also explain how the marketing plan is helpful to the organization. You do not have to put together a marketing plan for this assignment
Part 2
Please take the elements/components you have learned in this course (such as the SWOT, goals/objectives, etc.) and translate/apply them into how they would be carried out into the execution of a marketing strategy.
For instance (note that these examples may not be used in your assignment):
In a SWOT analysis you determined that one of the strengths of a company was that weekly team meetings were held where ideas are exchanged and commendations are awarded to team members who have met or exceeded goals or expectations for the week. How can we translate or incorporate that Strength into a marketing strategy?
Since the ideas being exchanged in the weekly meeting are to foster growth and innovation, camaraderie, excitement, and motivation, they can also be used to generate new ideas for promotion. This weekly team meeting can be leveraged to spur perhaps a name of a new product that company X has been trying to launch for considerable amount of time but just haven’t thought of the right one.
A real world example, Lays Potato Chips reached out to the general public using their social media strength to ask them to come up with a new flavor of potato chip. This combined the strengths the company had with the need to execute a new marketing strategy. Through this process, a consumer won $1mm for coming up with a new potato chip flavor, and Lay’s of course won tons of new customers and multiple millions in sales of new product.
The Final Project needs to be in a Word document and in APA format. Page requirement is at least 4 pages in length. This does not include the cover and reference pages. Make sure to provide at least four outside sources to support your work