Materials Transport in Plants and Animals

Assignment 4 (Materials transport in plants and animals)

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Materials Transport in Plants and Animals
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Q.1. Xylem, phloem and stomatic guard cells have related functions; describe these relationships and how does this allow for the plant to adapt to its environment?

Q.2. Throughout the evolution of plants, the number of stomata has changed.

Explain why stomata might increase or decrease in a plant species in relation to habitat?

Q.3. As water and minerals are absorbed through the plants root hairs, what is the process that this solution must go through to get to the vascular cylinder?

Q.4. What is the process by which phloem moves sugar form a source to a sink and what are the cells that are used in this transport? How is this different from water movement in xylem?

Q.5. Discuss the processes of exchange of O2 and CO2 that occur at the alveoli of mammals. Include in your answer a description of the transport of these gases in the blood.

Q.6. Vertebrates have chambered hearts and their number can vary among species. Describe this situation in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.

Q.7. Describe the path of a drop of blood through a mammalian hear starting from vena cava to aorta?

Q.8. Explain the pathway of an electrical impulse during the excitation of human heart?

Q.9. What are the two main components of blood? Also describe how to differentiate between different types of blood cells?Q.10. Write a paragraph describing the mechanism of blood coagulation?

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