MBA 640 Innovation Through Marketing and Technology
I need help with a Business question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Hello, can someone please complete the following 4 questions below for me?
1. Complete Branding Strategies Discussion. Details Below:
I have attached the Slate case file to this email. It provides additional details you will need to inform your work with Carlos Chance, their head of branding. Primarily, we want you to examine the branding strategies of our competitors, as well as any brand extensions and their branding packaging decisions. This report will function as a brand audit that allows us to examine our competitors strengths, weaknesses, customer expectations, and our own relative position in the market. These details form the basis of the main branding elements. I met with our CEO, Shanice Watts, and she wanted me to emphasize the following eight categories we would like you to analyze in your report about our two biggest competitors:
brand personality
brand image
brand identity
brand differentiation
brand positioning
brand communication
brand loyalty
brand equity (including financial equity)
To carry out this assignment, you need to understand Slates competitors brand strategies, their consumers, how to acquire market knowledge through primary and secondary research, and how to use that knowledge to build and support a brand.
Deliverable: To start your research, visit the websites of Slates two biggest competitors and review both scholarly and reliable nonscholarly sources to explore their branding decisions. Your research of the two companies should focus on the branding elements discussed in the previous step.
Consult a minimum of two scholarly sources and eight reliable nonscholarly sources (10 total). Make sure that you use reliable, nonscholarly sources such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance,,, Money, Forbes, Fortune, Financial Times, theWall Street Journal, and the Harvard Business Review, as well as the UMUC Library databases such as Hoovers and ABI/INFORM.
In addition, explore the following branding websites for relevant content:
Then proceed to the next step, where you will discuss branding strategy.
2. Complete Reference List. Details Below:
I want you to share the list of references you have been using to research Slates competitors.
Deliverable: Provide a reference list derived from your research that has a minimum of two scholarly and eight reliable, nonscholarly sources (10 in all). I suggest using reliable nonscholarly sources, such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance,,, Money, Forbes, Fortune,the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Harvard Business Review, as well as UMUC Library databases, such as Hoover’s and ABI-Inform.
All sources should be referenced using APA formatting.
3. Complete Brand Analysis Report. Details Below:
Deliverable: Based on your research of the two companies brands, write an eight to nine-page report (four pages on each company) that addresses the following branding elements:
brand personality
brand image
brand identity
brand differentiation
brand positioning
brand communication
brand loyalty
brand equity (including financial equity)
As you examine these branding elements, your report should also answer the following questions:
How strong are the companies brands in the market?
What are the factors contributing to their strengths and weaknesses?
How are these two brands competing against each other? How strong is their global performance?
How do consumers perceive their brands?
Are there any sub-brands? Are there any brand extensions?
Your report should contain a one-page executive summary (following the cover page) that highlights the most important findings of your analysis. Also include a one-page table in an appendix at the end of the paper that compares the brand elements for the two brands.
Support your work with course readings, scholarly sources, and reliable nonscholarly sources, such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance,,, Money, Forbes, Fortune,the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Harvard Business Review, as well as UMUC Library databases, such as Hoover’s and ABI-Inform. All sources have to be cited using APA formatting, both within the text and in the reference list.
Your final report to Carlos should be eight to nine pages, excluding cover page, executive summary, the reference list, and appendices. Any graphs, tables, and figures should be included as appendices. Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in size-12 Times New Roman font. The report should be organized using headings and subheadings to improve its readability.
4. Discussion Post. Details Below.
Your analysis should consider both current and potential product users and should address the following questions:
What needs are being met by the product purchase? What are the benefits to the consumers? Make sure that you differentiate between features and benefits; go beyond manifest motives and consider latent motives.
Who is involved in the purchase process? Who are the influencers? Who are the buyers? Who are the end users?
Where are the products sold, and what are the distribution channels?
How often are the products purchased? Is there seasonality to sales?
Deliverable: By the end of Week 1, I need you to produce a six-page preliminary consumer buying behavior report (excluding cover page, reference list, tables, graphs, and exhibits) explaining your findings on consumer needs, wants, and preferences in these markets. Make sure that your report is specific to consumers of ACMEs potential product and not to consumers in general.
Support your work with the course readings and at least two scholarly sources and eight reliable nonscholarly sources, such as Reuters, Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance,,, Money, Forbes, Fortune, the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Harvard Business Review, as well as the UMUC Library databases, such as Hoover’s and ABI/INFORM. All sources need to be cited using APA formatting, both within the text and in the reference list. The report should be organized using headings and subheadings to improve its readability.