Creating a new product launch for vitamins/health supplements to be sold atMEC. Develop a brief marketing plan for this new product line that could be launched in its stores.
QUESTION #1: NEW PRODUCTDescribe the new product line (must be new to the company yet aligned with its vision) and the category the product will fit in to. (3 marks)
QUESTION #2: TARGET MARKETIdentify and describe the target market (using the segmentation variables) for this new product and the need it satisfies. (7 marks)
Competitive advantage of MEC
QUESTION #3: COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEDescribe two (2) competitors for the new products that the company will introduce and identify how its new products will be different/better. (3marks)
QUESTION #4: MARKETING PROGRAMPrepare a brief marketing program as to how the company might launch this new product line. Your plan must include (at least) -Objectives, Market Overview and all elements of the marketing mix– an elaborate product, price, distribution and communication strategy (promotion mix). (7 marks)