Media Literacy
My Argument from the book:How available time for leisure activity/everyday life has been consumed by social media and how it can have a negative effect on our health.
Part 1 – Introduction: Identify and describe one argument about media and society that the authors of the book make in the text. Effectively summarize the issue and what is involved and introduce your thesis.
Part 2 – Explain and defend the first perspective on the issue as presented in the textbook. Clearly present the thesis with at least 3 supported citations and your own logic.Part 3- Explain and defend the “other perspective” on the issue and outline/acknowledge the opposing view. Compare and contrast the opposite side argument with a different point of view using sources and logic.
The idea is to bring in and fairly/accurately present the other side or a different or alternative view. Make sure you have 3 sources to support this side.Part 4 – Conclude and provide your own opinion on the issue, debate or question at hand. Explain the pros and cons of each side and summarize the debate showing the strengths and weaknesses of each side. Make sure you show that each side has reasonable parts to it.
Explain which side you agree with and why (You can agree with parts of both sides). Consider the credibility of the sources you used and criticize/discuss whether one side was more supported by credible sources than the other. Come back to your thesis. Describe the first perspective of the issue and why you agree or disagree with this side of issue, and which argument(s) you found strongest.
Then propose a solution. It is OK to recognize strengths of both sides, but clearly state what you think we should do. Should we pass legislation? Change society? Ignore it? Is it up to parents or teachers? Why?Sources and Format: Use APA or MLA guidelines with a clear references page (you do not need an abstract) and in-text citations.
Appropriate sources to cite in supporting claims include the textbook, books by different authors, or journal articles. Because this is about media literacy, you can include newspapers, magazines, blogs, or other online sources as long as you discuss the credibility of that source (both the author and the publication). It can even come from a different chapter in the same textbook, or from other classes you are taking that is unique to your discipline or major. The idea is to clearly support and present this side with 3 supportive arguments and citations.
Please be sure to properly CITE these alternative sources and choose sources that are academic, professional, reliable and accurate, or be prepared to explain why you selected non credible sources. Refer to each source with in-text citation based on APA or MLA style: any quotation from or reference to an idea that is not your own should have a specific citation of the original source.
Please NOTE: You can lose up to 10 points if your paper does not follow standard formatting and referencing guidelines or if you do not clearly cite references or provide support for arguments.