Mental Health Awareness Policy Brief
oABSTRACT Step 1: Define the context o Step 2: State the problem § In order to develop a well-defined problem statement, data are needed. Use the information you gathered for your annotated bibliography, as well as additional resources to support your case. Consider: · Is there a discrepancy between what exists and the ideal planned condition or desired outcome? · Is the reason for this difference unclear? · There should be more than one possible solution to the problem o Step 3: Search for Evidence § Again, building on the work you did for your annotated bibliography, identify significant features of the problem and how it might be solved or mitigated § It helps to have a very narrow focus for your research here this is where it is easy to get overwhelmed with the volume of available information please reach out to your instructor if you need assistance. o Step 4: Consider different policy options § Identify alternative courses of action § It is crucial to consider context here. How are the different options capturing the needs of a diverse constituency? o Step 5: Project the outcomes of the identified options § What is feasible for your agency? o Step 6: Apply evaluative criteria § Questions to consider: · How do the options contribute to the health needs of your agencys target population? · How do the options take into consideration the experiences of marginalized groups your agency may serve? o Step 7: Weigh the outcomes § Discuss how the alternatives should be converted into possible outcomes for your agency § What would implementation look like what are the pros/cons/trade-offs? o Step 8: Make the decision/recommendation § Be sure to address how your recommendation would impact the clients your organization serves taking into consideration the diversity of identities your organization serves – racial/ethnic minorities, LGB+ individuals, transgender and non-binary individuals, individuals impacted by ableism, etc .