Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is relevant to the time periods were covering in class (Renaissance to Impressionism). take a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, by browsing their website and seeing what you can discover. You may also try to supplement your experiences by finding youtube videos posted by those who visited the museum in person. Please supply me with any unique links you viewed if they were an integral part of your virtual visit. Then, in about 1 page reflect upon your virtual visit. The following are some topics you may choose to address: What drew you to this specific art museum? What did you find appealing or unappealing about their websites format and organization? How well did their virtual tour options simulate the actual museum experience? What can you tell about the museums settings and how they organize their art collection within these settings? If you were visiting this museum in person, which sections of the museum would you definitely visit or avoid? What value do you think this museum has to the broader public? Do you think you will ever visit this museum in person in the future? Why or why not?