[SOLVED] Minimum of 500 words with at least three peer review reference i
Minimum of 500 words with at least three peer review reference in 6th edition apa style. Dear Applicant, Thank you for considering Grand Canyon University. With our online graduate nursing programs ranked 8th in the nation, we are highly recognized in the healthcare industry for outstanding programs for practicing nurses wishing to further their education. To maintain the highest level of excellence in our Masters of Science of Nursing program we limit the number of applicants admitted for each start date. Part of the selection process includes reviewing writing samples from prospective students. This writing sample will be reviewed by our Admission Selection Committee. Once you have completed the writing assignment described below, please forward the Letter of Intent to your enrollment counselor. Write a short essay in response to the following questions: 1. What are your short and long-term career goals and how will this program prepare you for them? 2. What do you view as key attributes of being a successful FNP/ACNP (Family Nurse Practitioner / Acute Care Nurse Practitioner) why? 3. How will you dedicate the time and effort to be successful in the program? 4. What do you see as major trends in healthcare? What do you see as your role in that? a. The title of this essay will be: Letter of Intent b. This paper should be at approximately 500 words in length. c. This paper must be written in APA format using Microsoft Word and must include both a cover and reference page. d. Include one reference citation from any source.
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