Minority Dialects | Instant Homework Solutions
Second Response Paper: Minority Dialects (Draw from all we have learned this semester): Select a passage or passages from a contemporary Chicano(a) or African-American writer and detail how and why that writer incorporates dialect within the narrative. Some issues within that choice, which you might consider, include responding to how and why his or her use of dialect deviates from Standard American English (SAE), how does that choice determine the significance for the reader who knows that dialect, and how does that use affect the meaning of the text and the significance for the white reader who knows only SAE and not the dialect used in the text? You dont need to answer all them, certainly, but consider them as ways through the assignment so that your reader is faced with more than a description of the text. Length: 3+ pages Documentation: Incorporate at least two sources into the paper, preferably from scholarly journals, in an attempt to buttress your claims. You may also include interviews from magazines or other publications, but be sure to consider their legitimacy (i.e. Are they mainstream publications? Are they peer-reviewed scholarly journals, etc). Wikipedia or other such referencing materials do not count as secondary sources. Style: MLA or APA (double spaced) Save your work as a DOC and PDF file. Submit both filesthe DOC and PDFat the same time. You will submit two attachments together. You must also submit a copy of your tutored doc (in the form of a DOC file with tutor comment bubbles or as a PDF with tutor markings). There will be a10pt deduction if this is not included.