Money and Banking
ECON 2326 Fall 2020Money and BankingFinal assignment In this assignment you will write a short paper of no more than five pages (including tables and figures, excluding bibliography, 12 pt Times New Roman, double-spaced). Your assignment is to tell the story of a financial crisis through the experience of a given country, financial market, or financial institution. You may choose any crisis and country/sector/institution you like. Your analysis should discuss the phases of financial crises described in Chapter 11 of the textbook, explain the role of asymmetric information and other financial frictions, and detail one or more of the policy responses that were or could have been implemented in response to the crisis. Be sure to supplement your analysis with data. Be sure to reference ideas that are not your own and statistics that you do not calculate yourself, as appropriate. Your primary resource should be the course textbook, but you may also find articles from credible news source helpful.