Moral Relativism Short Answer | Instant Homework Solutions
True/False: Each prompt below is either true or false. If part of the prompt is false, then the entire prompt is. Justify each answer provided in least one complete sentence. 1. There are broad and narrow senses of the category of moral rightness (i.e., of the morally obligatory). 2. According to readings, Divine Command Theory does poorly with respect to the internal appeal desideratum for a moral theory. Short-Answer: Answer each of the following prompts in 3-4 well-written, well-organized sentences. Be sure to follow all the instructions noted at the top of the assignment. 3. In Platos Euthyphro, Socrates challenges Euthyphros (second overall) definition that piety is being loved by the gods. Socrates challenge relies on Euthyphros belief that the gods disagree about what they love. Concisely explain how Socrates challenge shows that Euthyphros theory of piety fails the consistency desideratum for a moral-religious theory. 4. Consider the following adapted Euthyphro Dilemma Question: Is the action right because God commands it, or does God command the action because it is right? How does the traditional (unrestricted) Divine Command Theorist answer this question? Concisely explain one problem with their answer. 5. Some Divine Command Theorists revise their theory in response to the problem discussed in question 6 above. Concisely explain how they revise their theory, and then discuss one problem with the theory, as discussed in the course material.