[ORDER SOLUTION] Movement Of Emotion
focus on rhythm and movement in editing. Movement of story. Is the story clear? How well organized is the flow of information or plot events to convey the films intentions? Movement of emotion. Is the film compelling? How well-shaped are the performances and interactions in the film to convey feeling and provoke emotional responses? Movement of images. Are the films images shaped effectively? From cut to cut and over a sequence or series of cuts, how well has the editor shaped the flow of images to create a visually engaging experience?Style. Whether obvious or unobtrusive, has the editor established and sustained an approach to cutting that is appropriate to the production and supports the ideas and themes?POST 1: In 3-5 sentences, summarize the film as if you are describing it to someone who has not seen it. Do not give a blow-by-blow report, but convey the main story, characters, and theme(s) in your own words.In 3-5 sentences, give your personal critique* of the film you may focus on any elements you wish. Be specific dont just say I liked the acting or It was boring tell why you liked the acting and give specific examples, etc. Try to avoid statements starting with I like and instead try statements such as, The first thing I see is or This _______ stands out for me because of the (color, composition, sound, movement).POST 2:should be a question of your own about the film. What confused you? Was there a scene you want to know more about from your classmates? Ask your classmates what they thought of a particular scene, sound score, editing technique. Make sure your question includes your insight and isnt completely open-ended. For example: Did anyone also notice that whenever the villain appears in the film, there is a constant drumbeat sound? It made me think of a heartbeat and added to the suspense. What other interpretations do you see? And are there more places in the film that music is used this way?