Musicians and Society | Instant Homework Solutions
Consider the impact of Mozart on his own society and his continued impact on society today by doing the following: Conduct some additional research about Mozart. Choose a musical artist from today’s world who you believe is a “modern-day Mozart” of sorts. Include at least one YouTube link to samples of that artist’s music. Write a brief essay that makes a case for why your chosen artist is comparable to Mozart by responding to the prompts below. Each prompt should be addressed in a separate paragraph. Please number your responses to make it easier for the instructor to read and grade. Your post must be a minimum of 200 words. Prompts: Summarize Mozart’s impact on his own society during his lifetime and his continued relevance in our society today. Provide support for your claims from your additional research. Introduce your chosen musical artist, including at least one example of his/her music. Compare your chosen musical artist’s life and musical influence on society with that of Mozart. Explain why you believe your chosen musical artist will still be relevant and/or worthy of being studied 200 years in the future. This explanation must be clearly supported by a minimum of two credible sources that support the cultural relevance and/or societal impact of your chosen artist. If you are unsure what a credible source is, please visit (Links to an external site.). Use in-text citations and include a works cited list in MLA, APA, or Chicago style.