[ORDER SOLUTION] Native American Film
1) A brief summary of the assigned materials. What are the most important points in the text or film? What is the authors main argument?2) Discussion of one key aspect of the text(s) or film(s). Pick out one thing that stuck out to you as you were reading and discuss it. How does it relate to what we have been discussing in class? Does it highlight a different point of view or reiterate things we have already discussed? Do you agree or disagree with it (this should be an informed analysis based on course readings, not your personal opinion)? Does this text speak to any other texts we have discussed? This should comprise the bulk of your paper. Remember: analysis, not a book report.3) Two or three discussion questions that arise from the text. Do not ask for explanations of things you could easily look up. Discussion questions should make you think critically and analytically about the course material. These questions can and often should be longer than a single sentence.The paper should discuss the following above.The movie “The Searchers (Dir. John Ford; 1956; 1hr. 59mins)” has to be watched because this paper will be on it.I will attach the readings required for the class which need to be discussed about within the paper.PLEASE reach out to me by email if the instructions are unclear