Natural Antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance happens when germs like bacteria and fungi develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. That means the germs are not killed and continue to grow. Infections caused by antibiotic-resistant germs are difficult and sometimes impossible, to treat. Given the growing concern over antibiotic resistance, natural remedies are popping up everywhere. Some have been around for years, maybe you heard them from your parents or grandparents. Some examples are garlic, honey, ginger, echinacea, and turmeric. There are many claims that are out there about natural ways to kill bacteria. There are also alternative therapies out there to treat bacterial infections. In this project, you will identify a treatment using natural antibiotics (example: honey to treat a wound on the arm) or some other alternative therapy and find research to support that claim. 1. Find a natural remedy or alternative therapy that you would like to research. 2. Pick a bacteria that is a pathogen in the body system in which this natural antibiotic would treat Use the body system charts on the case study page and/or your textbook to help you with this Example: if you are using honey to treat a wound on the arm, then you would look for pathogenic bacteria on the skin. 3. Write a hypothesis and prediction. 4. Find a minimum of 3 (three) scientific research papers that report on the efficacy of that natural remedy or alternative therapy. Research may not support your hypothesis, rather it may support that the remedy is not effective. That is okay. 5. Interpret the results of those papers. 6. Complete your write-up. Your write-up should include the natural remedy or alternative therapy, the pathogenic bacteria that you are researching, a discussion of why natural remedies or alternative therapies would be helpful, your hypothesis and prediction, your summation of the three articles, and a conclusion from your research. Remember to cite your sources within your write-up and include a works cited section at the end of your write-up that lists your references (at least 3 scientific research papers) Here is the rubric that will be used while grading your submission… Natural/Alternative therapy chosen is relevant to bacteria that is a pathogen in the body system. Hypothesis and Prediction both stated and relevant to natural/alternative therapy and bacteria chosen. Summation of the research. Description of the natural therapy chosen, its relevance, historical aspects, etc. Interpretation of the results from your research; was your hypothesis/prediction supported? Explain. Conclusion from your research including discussion of how and why natural remedies or alternative therapies would be helpful. References – a minimum of 3 scientific research papers Improper grammar/misspellings References – all material MUST be referenced if it is not common knowledge Misspellings/no italics of bacterial names

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Natural Antibiotics
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