Non-Contradiction Essay
The suggested length of your essays is 1000 words each, or about three double-spaced pages of text for each of three topics. Your reference sources should be limited to your textbook and lecture notes. Other sources will be grudgingly accepted, but you must provide exact citations for them in either APA or MLA format. (Select exactly one format for all essays.) What is the Principle of Non-Contradiction (PNC)? Is it justified to refer to it as the Law of Non-Contradiction (LNC)? Elaborate. What is the relevance. if any, of PNC/LNC for our knowledge of reality? In the vision granted to Parmenides, the goddess reveals that It is, is the Way of Truth, and It is not, is the Way of Opinion. According to Melissos of Samos (as reported by Sextus Empiricus, and revised by Smith), there are four corollaries that follow from the cognitive content of Parmenides vision. Discuss each corollary and attempt to demonstrate the derivations of each of them from the First Corollary, It is whole, permanent, and unchangeable.