[ORDER SOLUTION] Non-Profit Sports
TASK The students need to write a report about a marketing strategy for a local non-profit sports provider, e.g. a members club, or voluntary organisation. The report itself should include an extended portrait of the provider. The students should examine the specific components of the organisation as well as potential similarities and differences to other providers in the field. The report is worth 75% of the total mark. The attached marking matrix will be used to grade the submissions. It is recommended that the students familiarise themselves with this scale and be aware of the criteria for achieving the scores for each element of the matrix. A good essay will have a logical structure, the recommended referencing system (APA 6th ed.), a range of relevant literature will be appropriately used to support the findings/argument. Additionally, the student should demonstrate a good understanding of the factors that affect international approaches to sport management and produce justifiable conclusions about the evidence obtained and the literature used. Report format 1500 words. The word count has a tolerance of +10% and -10% of the advised number. The word count excludes the list of references and the appendices. Font Arial Size 12 Cover page Table of content (including numbered chapters and subchapters) ———————————————————————————————————————————- Intro (200 250 words) This essay will discuss Define the key terms with references Main Body (around 1.000 words) Briefly outline the key targets markets of your chosen provider (market segmentation) Write a marketing strategy that should also include a business plan (financial aspects) as well as a useful timeline for a marketing programme over the next five years. Bring in wider research and link this to practical examples for each section Conclusions (200-250 words) Summarise and draw conclusions for your essay