NR 505 Week 5 Discussion: Data Collection
NR 505 Week 5 Discussion: Data Collection
Data collection is at the center of research because the facts gathered will contribute new information as well as answer the research question. For this discussion, please respond to each of the following topics.
Refine your PICOT question.
Explain your specific research approach (qualitative or quantitative) and how it has the potential to answer your research question.
Discuss you data collection method, addressing strengths and identifying one potential weakness.
Identify the actions you are proposing that will help ensure that quality data may be produced by your EBP project.
NR 505 Week 5 Discussion: Data Collection SAMPLE
My evidence-based practice research projects PICo question is as follows: Are postwar veterans (P) at an increased risk of suicide (I) as they reintegrate into society (Co)? I chose a qualitative study design in order to gain a deeper understanding of how postwar veterans feel and their lived experiences following conflict. When participants are permitted to talk freely in a qualitative study, the researcher can gain an understanding of their traits and life experiences (Polit & Beck, 2017). I believe that the qualitative study has the ability to open up more research options when themes emerge during the interview process.
NR 505 Week 5 Discussion Data Collection
In-depth interviews are my preferred technique of data gathering, with permission obtained to audiotape and take notes during the session in the hope that themes and patterns emerge from the data. Clark and Veale (2018) addressed how images or words that surface frequently during in-depth interviews demonstrate a relationship between individual participants and the research being conducted. The data gathered during the in-depth interview procedure will provide sufficient information to answer my PICo question and is therefore deemed a strength of my research process. A shortcoming of this method of data gathering would be enabling my personal feelings, biases, or beliefs to cloud the proper interpretation of data. Often, we view things through the lens of our own personal experiences, which might obscure the datas subjective nature.
The steps I want to take into my qualitative study are to ensure that my sample size is sufficient to collect adequate data but not excessively large to the point that the data becomes diluted or deviates from the primary purpose indicated in the PICo statement. Second, I intend to draft a personal belief statement in order to establish a baseline of personal opinion and bias, as well as to guarantee that my interpretation of data is not obscured or misled by my own experience. My goal is to keep the data as raw and authentic as possible in the hope that other research will arise as a result of the material presented.
NR 505 Week 5 Discussion: Data Collection
Clark, K. R., & Vealé, B. L. (2018). Strategies to Enhance Data Collection and Analysis in Qualitative Research. Radiologic Technology, 89(5), 482CT-485CT.
Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2017). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (9th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
The term data refers to a collection of facts, figures, objects, symbols, and events obtained from many sources.
Data is collected by businesses in order to make better judgments.
Data is acquired at various moments in time from various audiences since it is difficult for businesses to make effective decisions without it.
For example, before releasing a new product, a company must gather information on product demand, customer preferences, rivals, and so on.
If data is not collected beforehand, the newly introduced product of the firm may fail for a variety of reasons, including a lack of demand and an inability to match client expectations.
Although data is a significant asset for every company, it is useless until it is analyzed or processed to get the intended outcomes.
Data collecting methods can be divided into two categories: primary data collection and secondary data collection.
Methods for Collecting Primary Data
Primary data is gathered through first-hand experience and has never been utilized before.
The data acquired through primary data gathering methods is very accurate and specific to the researchs purpose.
Quantitative and qualitative data gathering methods are the two types of primary data collection methodologies.
Quantitative Techniques: Statistical methods are commonly used in quantitative techniques for market research and demand forecasting.
Demand is forecasted using these strategies using historical data.
Long-term forecasts are commonly made using these basic data collection methods.
Statistical procedures are highly dependable since they have a low level of subjectivity.
Analysis of Time Series
A time series is a sequential order of values of a variable at equal time intervals, often known as a trend.
An corporation can forecast demand for its products and services for the future using trends.
Techniques for Smoothing
Smoothing techniques can be utilized when the time series lacks notable trends.
They get rid of the random volatility in past demand.
It aids in the identification of trends and demand levels in order to forecast future demand.
The simple moving average approach and the weighted moving average method are the two most used methods for smoothing demand forecasting tools.
Method of Barometric Pressure
Researchers utilize this method, also known as the leading indicators approach, to predict future trends based on present events.
When previous occurrences are used to forecast future events, they are referred to as leading indicators.
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Qualitative Approaches: Qualitative methods are particularly beneficial when no historical data is available.
Alternatively, no numbers or mathematical calculations are required.
Words, sounds, feelings, emotions, colors, and other non-quantifiable aspects are fundamental to qualitative research.
These methods are based on judgment, intuition, hypothesis, emotion, and other factors.
Quantitative approaches dont reveal the motivations behind peoples responses, dont always reach underrepresented groups, and take a long time to collect data.
As a result, its better to combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
Surveys are used to acquire information about the target audiences preferences, opinions, choices, and comments on their products and services.
Most survey software allows you to choose from a variety of question formats.
You can also save time and work by using a pre-made survey template.
By modifying the theme, logo, and other elements, online surveys can be tailored to fit the brand of the company.
They can be disseminated via a variety of means, including email, website, offline app, QR code, social media, and so forth.
You can choose the channel based on the type and source of your audience.
Survey software may generate multiple reports and perform analytics algorithms to uncover hidden insights once the data has been collected.
A survey dashboard may provide you statistics such as response rate, completion rate, demographic filters, export and sharing options, and so on.
Integrating survey builder with third-party apps can help you get the most out of your online data collection efforts.