NR 631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience I Week 5 Assignment
NR 631 Nurse Executive Concluding Graduate Experience I Week 5 Assignment
The process of project management has five phases:(1) design and initiation, which you just completed;(2) finalizing your plan before implementation, which you will do now; (3) implementation;(4) monitor and control; and finally, (5) evaluation and lessons learned (as well as knowledge transfer).
During Phase 2 (finalizing the project plan), you will continue to create the tools and documents you will need when you implement your project as the project manager in Phase 3.
Week 4: Communications Plan
Week5: Deliverables and Critical SuccessFactors (CSFs)
Week6:WorkBreakdown Structure(WBS) andGanttChart
Week7:RiskManagementandHumanResource Management Plans
It is important for a project manager to know and track every deliverable as well as the critical success factors (CSF). Always remember to plan, plan, and plan again. Making sure that you have identified and listed every deliverable and defined the CSFs is time well spent. The time you spend thinking and discussing can be classified as scientific or technological exploration or investigation.
Each deliverable must be known and discussed in the scope document. These are critical to identify in order to move forward with the project plan and ensure a successful project. If a deliverable is overlooked and left out, the project will be considered a failure. The deliverables are related to the work of the project. It is through the project activities that the deliverables are completed or developed. A deliverable could be something that was completed (if it was a service performed) or developed (if it was a new software package). No matter what the deliverable is, there is work associated with the development. In order for you to proceed with your WBSs and completion milestones, you must know what needs to be done. Review and re-review to glean every deliverable. This is why it is important to reflect on all of the deliverables at this point in the management of your project.
The CSFs are those characteristics or attributes that are essential for your project to succeed. According to Sipes, these are the key areas where things must go right in order for the project to succeed (pp. 8687). Examples of how to complete the forms can be found in the course textbook, Project Management for the Advanced Practice Nurse, p. 86, Tables 4.7 and 4.8. Review your project documents and analyze your data to determine your CSFs. Be sure to include metrics. If metrics are not included, you will not be able to measure or evaluate your project in Phase 5. What is the scope of your project, and how will you collect the required data?
Work with your mentor to complete the document as an appendix attached to the professional paper. It is always better to have more input rather than less. Discuss and seek consensus with your mentor on the deliverables and CSFs for your project. To assist you, there are a document you will use and attach as an appendix to the paper you submit, as well as a sample of the document in Course Resources.
Complete the deliverables and CSF document. Attach the document as an appendix to a professionally written paper explaining what you are doing.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition of the APA manual.
Preparing the Assignment
All project deliverables must be identified and listed on the Deliverables and CSF document.
All CSFs must be identified and listed on the Deliverables and CSF document. Metrics must be included.
Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the current edition of the APA manual.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing.