NU 629 Health Promotion Disease Prevention Week 1 Discussion
NU 629 Health Promotion Disease Prevention Week 1 Discussion
DQ1 IcebreakerGetting to Know Your ClassmatesYour First Memory of a Primary and a Secondary prevention Experience.
Note: All complete/incomplete items must be completed to pass the course. If you receive an incomplete, you must contact your professor immediately as you are in danger of failing the entire course.
Meet your classmates: Use this discussion board to introduce yourself, and to give a brief overview of your professional history.
In addition, answer the following questions:
What is your first memory of a primary prevention? A trip to the doctors office for your immunizations? Is this a positive or negative memory?
What is your first memory of a secondary prevention? Is it a positive or negative memory?
What do you wish might have been different, if anything, about either of these preventative healthcare experiences and why?
Please take the time to read your classmates posts. See if their preventative experiences are similar and get to know more about who else is going on this wonderful journey.
DQ2 World Health Organization (WHO) and Your Definition of Health
Initial Post
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity (World Health Organization, 2005). This 1946 historical definition of health remains pertinent to this day, and it helps to guide not only our perception of health but also that of illness. For this weeks discussion, you should review the WHOs definition of health and do an online search to see how others perceive the concept of health, then create your own definition of health. Consider that there are individuals who have physical abnormalities but do not feel ill, and those with no physical changes who yet report feeling less than well. How might these two statements affect the overall balance or well-being of an individual and their outlook on their total health? What is the role of the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in terms of addressing the health of individuals and communities?
Include the following in your initial post:
Discuss your own personal definition of health.
How does your definition compare to the WHOs definition of health?
What do you see as the role of the APRN in addressing not only the health of individuals but that of the community?
Include a minimum of three scholarly references.
When replying to your classmates, compare your post to the content of your peers and answer the following questions. Reply to at least two of your classmates on two separate days (minimum), utilizing at least two scholarly references per peer post.
Reply 1: Using the definition of health and an individuals perception of their own health, how can you distinguish between a vulnerable individual versus a vulnerable group?
Reply 2: Compare and contrast your personal definition of health to that of a peer. Are you satisfied your definition? Why or why not?