NUR 513 Discussion Reflection on EBP Leadership
NUR 513 Discussion Reflection on EBP Leadership
Image of nurses discussing staff development. (Bridsall, J., n.d.b)A clear purpose will unite you as you move forward, values will guide your behavior, and goals will focus your energy.
Kenneth H. Blanchard, author of Collaboration Begins with You: Be a Silo Buster (Goodreads, n.d.c)
This activity will address the following module outcome:
MO2: Design questions for a nurse leader on EBP change (EPSLO 6, SLO 3).
In this course, you explored innovative leadership styles that support evidence-based practice change. You have also identified a leadership style that particularly resonates with you. Now, consider the questions you would ask a healthcare leader about the use of evidence-based practice in their setting, and how you would structure those questions to obtain information about whether the leadership style supports EBP. Perhaps you want to investigate your current leaders thoughts on EBP, or perhaps you want to change jobs and there are specific questions that elicit information about that individuals style of leadership in a different setting. Consider whether a leadership style that supports innovation, inquiry, and EBP would play a part in your current and future employment decisions.
NUR 513 Discussion Reflection on EBP Leadership
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
Design 5 questions you would ask a nurse leader, and explain why each question is important for EBP.
Would a feeling of safety among employees lead to exploration and adoption of EBP changes? Why or why not? Support with evidence.
DQ2 Reflection on Scholarly and Personal Growth as an EBP Nurse LeaderImage of two hands cupped together to hold dirt and a blooming seedling of greenery. (Pedrazzini, C., n.d.)This activity will address the following module outcomes:
MO1: Outline your role as a novice nurse researcher (EPSLO 2, SLO 1).
MO3: Analyze your scholarly and personal growth as a nurse leader in generating and translating nursing knowledge (EPSLO 2, SLO 1).
Take a moment to reflect on your growth as a scholar and nurse researcher, and the impact this growth will have on your future practice. In this course, we explored research concepts that will prepare you to conduct a research study on a topic of interest. You are now well-prepared to present a research question based on a clinical problem. You even have a certificate from The National Institutes of Health to present to an Institutional Review Board.
It is good practice to try to pair up with an experienced researcher who can act as a mentor if you choose to conduct a research study. Explore the options available to you in your current environment for this opportunity, and dont be afraid to ask an experienced colleague. Most nurse researchers are happy to help novice researchers develop their skills. If you work in a Magnet facility, there may even be a process in place to support you in your quest.
You have also explored different methods of initiating EBP changes, the importance of a spirit of inquiry in practice, and how certain leadership styles can nurture these processes. As a parting exercise, you will now take a moment to pull all this information together, think about what it means to your practice, and what you may still want to know.
Based on your learning activities, respond to the following prompts. Be sure to support your answers with references when needed.
What did you find easy to understand about the translation and generation of knowledge?
What did you find difficult to understand about the translation and generation of knowledge? Are these concepts clearer to you now? If not, present what you need clarified for discussion.
Discuss how the knowledge you have learned in this course will impact your future practice as an EBP leader.