[SOLVED] Nursing impact in maternal and infant mortality/morbidity rates
Nursing impact in maternal and infant mortality/morbidity rates in, the United States. 1. In 200 works research both maternal and infant mortality/morbidity rates in, the United States, and globally. Discuss these rates and the circumstances surrounding maternity and infant mortality/morbidity rate. 2. In 200 words how does the determinants of health impact infant maternal and infant mortality/morbidity rates in, the United States, a. genetics b. behavior c. environmental d. physical influences, medical care e. social factors. 3. In 200 words explain why are mortality/morbidity rates higher in some areas, or among certain groups? 4. In 200 explain how does socioeconomic status play a role in maternal and infant mortality/morbidity rates? 5. In 300 words and using the nursing role and explanation listed below, state what role can nurses play in the community to ensure the safety and health of both mothers and their newborns? Provide example of how the nurse would aid in these roles. A. Nurse Caregiver- help patients maintain and regain health, manage disease & symptoms, & attain a maximal level function & independence through the healing process. As a caregiver, you help the patient & family set goals & assist them with meeting these goals with minimal financial cost, time, & energy. ( gives baths, food, meds) B. Nurse Communicator- allows you to know your patients, including their strengths & weaknesses, & their needs. Communication is essential for all nursing roles & activities. The quality of communication is a critical factor in meeting the needs of individuals, families, & communities (talking to family member/doctor/patient) D. Nurse Teacher/educator- explain concepts & facts about health, describe the reason for routine care activities, demonstrate procedures such as self-care activities, reinforce learning or patient behavior, & evaluate the patients progress in learning. (teach what to expect/look for) F. Nurse Counselor- use therapeutic communications, assists patient to make decisions & makes referrals 6. Use at least 3 references in this assignment.
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